weeks 357-360

I meant to post yesterday to make it exactly a month since the last post but time escaped me. Haven’t had much time for crafting as I’m currently trying to reorganise and digitise as much as possible so there’s less paper, and it’s quite overwhelming, but had to start somewhere. I’ve only done two things in the past month.

The quilt is finally finished.

I put a bit of extra squares on the top as sort of an uneven inside binding.

Blurry picture of part of the top of the quilt
Quilt top before  everything was sandwiched together

The other thing was to alter a pillowcase. My mum bought a pillow from (if I remember correctly) World Market and part of it was starting to have open seams on the front, so she gave it to me to remake it so Dylan can have another pillow.

Original front pillow cover and didn’t crop out my leg
Current pillowcase front
Current pillowcase back

It’s slightly smaller and had to remove the zipper because it was closing oddly so made it so you can slip the pillow form in from the back, but need to put snaps on the ribbons.

While I’m not able to make things, I’m just trying to slightly downsize my possessions and doing the whole recycle/toss, donate or possibly sell. Also, I’m finally getting around to putting things I’ve made on Bigcartel but pricing things have always evaded me.

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